I think I know what's going on here. If there was no previous
kernel-source package installed, it would complain when compiling
split-include, and the cause is obviously missing kernel header.

Attached is a patch that hopefully cures this problem (it makes
split-include and ksymoops to use headers from SRPM package instead of
from stock headers). I consider this a problem since it shouldn't expect
people to have kernel-header already installed in order to compile kernel.

I have tested kernel-2.2.17-21mdk from MDK7.2, and both kernel-2.4.1-8mdk
and kernel22-2.2.18-10mdk from cooker as well, all having the same
symptom. Guess nobody has time to make stupid tests like this. :)

Abel Cheung 

PS I avoided modifying spec, but it's ok to modify spec for the ksymoops

On Sun, 11 Feb 2001, J . A . Magallon wrote:

> On 02.10 Yves Pelletier wrote:
> > 
> > Hi there.  This is sorta related to this thread, so I hope you won't mind if 
> > I butt in a little. 
> > 
> > I built the Cooker's 2.4.1-7mdk kernel on my 7.2 system.  No problem there. 
> > However I have a reiserfs boot partition, and the new kernel panics and stops 
> > when trying to mount the root fs.   I'm missing something obvious (I hope) 
> > what could it be?
> > 
> I your previous kernel was a 2.2+reiser patches, the reiser in 2.4 is
> not the same as that in 2.2. I know for sure that 2.4 reiser partitions
> can not be mounted on 2.2, but I am not sure about the opposite.

--- linux/Makefile.fixinclude   Mon Feb 12 17:50:03 2001
+++ linux/Makefile      Mon Feb 12 17:52:54 2001
@@ -504,4 +504,4 @@
        $(HOSTCC) $(HOSTCFLAGS) -o scripts/mkdep scripts/mkdep.c
 scripts/split-include: scripts/split-include.c
-       $(HOSTCC) $(HOSTCFLAGS) -o scripts/split-include scripts/split-include.c
+       $(HOSTCC) $(HOSTCFLAGS) -I$(HPATH) -o scripts/split-include 
--- linux/scripts/ksymoops/Makefile.fixinclude  Mon Feb 12 17:48:55 2001
+++ linux/scripts/ksymoops/Makefile     Mon Feb 12 17:56:16 2001
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
         -Waggregate-return \
         -Wstrict-prototypes \
         -Wmissing-prototypes \
+        -I../../include \
 ifneq ($(strip $(DEF_VMLINUX)),)

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