Newest grub should handle reiserfs boot partition, as well as lilo >=21.6
BUT the reiserfs version of boot partition must be >= 3.6.18,
otherwise...... sorry, use ext2 boot partition.......

Abel Cheung

On Sun, 11 Feb 2001, J . A . Magallon wrote:

> On 02.10 Yves Pelletier wrote:
> > 
> > Hi there.  This is sorta related to this thread, so I hope you won't mind if 
> > I butt in a little. 
> > 
> > I built the Cooker's 2.4.1-7mdk kernel on my 7.2 system.  No problem there. 
> > However I have a reiserfs boot partition, and the new kernel panics and stops 
> > when trying to mount the root fs.   I'm missing something obvious (I hope) 
> > what could it be?
> > 
> I your previous kernel was a 2.2+reiser patches, the reiser in 2.4 is
> not the same as that in 2.2. I know for sure that 2.4 reiser partitions
> can not be mounted on 2.2, but I am not sure about the opposite.

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