Joshman, I heartily agree that the BSD is currently more scalable, but
the point of (or one of the points of) Linux Mandrake is ease of use,
and to switch kernels would be so huge a setback for the distro that you
might as well start at 1.0.  It would indeed be a step backwards, not
only for the developers of LM, but for consistency and probably ease of
use, as well.  Of course, I am far from an expert, so I am quite
possibly wrong.

Sure, *BSD is more stable.  But Linux and *BSD are separate for a
reason, methinks.  If you like *BSD, then use *BSD!  If you wanna use
both, use VMWare!


josh mann wrote:
> Don't be so closed minded.  The bsd kernel is more scalable than linux has
> ever been.  a step back?  not necessaraly.  a leap forward in the server
> market.  although not everyone will have a use for it, it would support what
> linux is all about: freedom.
> -joshmann

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