Dear Josh,
 Although I'm *not* MandrakeSoft's employees, I would say to your idea
is absurd. I'm sorry for being blunt, but if you want BSD kernel, use
FreeBSD, and that will solve the problem, okay? Or build your own BSD
distribution. So far there's only 3 or 4 BSD, each of them with
different kernels - FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, or whatever - try too, they're trying to make a BSD kernel too. So, why not try
building FreeBSD-based distro on your own? :-)

Also, I would really disagree if Linux SMP kernel has to be replaced
with OpenBSD kernel's extreme poor SMP performance. Ohh... FreeBSD's SMP
support exists, but its performance is not as scalable as Linux kernel
v2.4. And also, if you watch Linux kernel traffic, an SAP benchmark
gives a result that Linux kernel v2.4 response time is 10 times (10x)
faster than Linux v2.2 kernel. Ohhh... did I mention that BSD filesystem
sucks big time too? We have ReiserFS here... much faster. Not to mention
XFS port from IRIX to Linux, which is said to be even faster than

Good luck on your creating new BSD distribution.


josh mann wrote:
> Don't be so closed minded.  The bsd kernel is more scalable than linux has
> ever been.  a step back?  not necessaraly.  a leap forward in the server
> market.  although not everyone will have a use for it, it would support what
> linux is all about: freedom.
> -joshmann
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