> To prevent small and unreadable fonts in Konqueror you need 
> to increase the
> value for "Minimun font size" in Configure Konqueror->Konqueror
> Browser->Appearance to at least 11, preferably 12. Check out 
> the differences
> yourselves.
> I hope you take these suggestions under serious 
> consideration. We want to
> make a good impression for users loading Linux-Mandrake 8.0 
> for the first
> time.

Yeah, I noticed that I needed to make it at least 9 to be
readable (and I have good eyes, too!).

Don Head
SAIR LCA, CIW-P, Network+, A+

Systems Administrator      [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
Web Designer                            [ 1 314 997-7847 ]
[ AIM - Don Wave ] [ ICQ - 18804935 ] [ Yahoo - Don_Wave ]

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