On 13 Mar 2001 16:28:05 +0100 François Pons <François Pons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> 

> Kevin Maciunas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >[...] 
> > Residual problem: I now have a bastardised 7.2+8 melange system - what is the
> > quick hack method for adding all the relevant EXT CD packages in the correct
> > installation order?  I've dragged in nautilus (cute but big/slow) and Evolution
> > (very cute) but I'd like *everything* :-)  I recall seeing on this list mention
> > of running the installer again on a live system..?
> Yes you can, make sure due to bug that glibc and rpm are updated (no problem as
> 1st CD has been used). Go to /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/mdkinst/usr/bin/perl-install
> and type ./live_install
> François.

Merci François, I'll let you know how it goes.  But - why did the thing tell me
to change the CD without letting it go in the first place - this sounds like a
potentially "show stopping"(TM) event to me.  Granted, the H/W config on this
machine is unusual, but not that eclectic..

Kevin J. Maciunas              Net: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Computer Science      Ph : +61 8 8303 5845
University of Adelaide         Fax: +61 8 8303 4366
Adelaide 5005 SOUTH AUSTRALIA  Web: http://www.cs.adelaide.edu.au/~kevin

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