> Hello,
> I made my first rpm and src.rpm from scratch tonight, so please be kind.
> I've packaged gocr-0.3.1.src.rpm, from:
> http://altmark.nat.uni-magdeburg.de/~jschulen/ocr/
> The src.rpm is not perfect yet :)
> There's a frontend gtk-gocr, which is not included.
> Also there are a few devel files in the package.
> But for a first package, I think it's ok.
> I'd like it if i would get some response and review of my gocr.spec.
> I've stored a rpm, src.rpm and specfile at http://mpol.dhs.org/Mandrake 
> I've also uploeded the src.rpm.
> The idea that got me to package this was because the kde people added a
> plugin to kde-graphics and koffice for gocr.
> I wanted to make a package for some time, this was a good motivation.
> Greetings,
> --
> Marcel Pol
what is it?

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