On Thu, 29 Mar 2001, Udo Weber wrote:

> same problem to me with rpm -Fvh * on cooker completly installed on one 
> reiserfs
> Currently (sine a few weeks) the cooker seems to be is useless on reiserfs ...
No problems here. I've got
/dev/hda9 on / type reiserfs 
/dev/md1 on /home type ext2
/dev/md2 on /usr type reiserfs
/dev/hde11 on /mnt/cooker type ext2

My kernel is usually the latest -ac, not the official cooker one. The reiserfs
partitions use 3.6 fs format with r5 hash and I'm doing a nightly
'rsync ... && rpm -Fvh /mnt/cooker/Mandrake/RPMS/*', that has not hung so far.

Arnd <><

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