Hallo and Thanx for the new Mandrake!

I've got (at least) 2 problems with my setup (update from beta2, I had not 
these pb with this beta):

- AntiAliasing-Option in kcontrol (and AntiAliasing=true in kdeglobals) is    
  not working. But 'QT_XFT=true konsole' invoked from bash is working!

- vmware modules were built and 'perfectly loaded' in the kernel, but the     
  startup of the private network failed. 
  (/var/log/messages: Apr 19 18:29:38 myhost VMware[init]:                    
   /etc/init.d/vmware:   line 5 :  2941 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) 
   "$vmware_bin_dir         "/"$netifup" -d                                   
   /var/run/"$netifup"-"$vHostIf".pid /dev/vmnet" $vHubNr"       "$vHostIf"

Any solutions?

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