I have installed the 8.0 final on a K6/2-550.  This is the BEST version I have used.

However, I encountered a bit of a problem with rpmdrake (not sure if this is
because of me or ... ):

What I did:

1. created a new source; local, mandrake/updates/8.0/
    (contained directories RPMS and SRPMS with only the
    samba*2.0.8-1.3mdk*.rpm files obtained from a mirror site)

2. selected updates only, requested reload lists; was presented with list of 
updates   which was correct, but could not distinguish between samba*.src.rpm
and samba*.i586.rpm except for file size. 

3. selected the three samba*.i586.rpm packages and requested install.  Installation 
was successful. 

4.  selected Installed, reload; presented with display containing both the older 
and the new ones just installed.  (from console rpm -qa | grep samba showed
only the new packages installed)

5.  selected older packages, install/remove; successfully removed packages and display 
updated correctly. 

6.  exit rpmdrake, rpm -qa | grep samba produces no output.  Samba was totally 

7.  restart rpmdrake, select Installed, reload; now both the older and newer
packages are listed again. 

8.  had to re-install samba*2.0.8-1.3 using rpm -Uvh ...; now rpmdrake does not
show actual Installed package list.  It still shows both versions.

What I had expected was:

1.  Expected the update to remove the older packages and replace them with the
newer ones selected.   (which it did)

2.  When presented with the Installed file list after the install or, after a
reload lists, expected that the older package would have been removed. 

3.  When removing a package, would expect that the package being removed
corresponds to the one which is selected, name and version-build. 

4.  When the Installed file list presented, expect that it reflects actual
packages installed, especially after clicking on reload lists. 


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