William Murphy a écrit :

> Late last night I tried a hard drive install, instead of going to bed
> (first mistake).
> I thought I'd check the option to clean the /tmp directory during startup,
> even though I knew the install partion was mounted there (second mistake).
> The cooker install was on my mdk 7.2 partition (third mistake).
> After rebooting for the first time, I thought that aurora had locked up.
> Nope, it was just peachy. It just took a long time to delete 6.5 gigs of
> perfectly good software.
> If I may be so bold, a little thing like putting a 'noauto' instead of the
> usual 'defaults' here and there in the fstab might protect the system from
> other people like me...
> Luckily, a few brain cell were firing. I had just backed everything up.
> - William Murphy
> --
>   @-  FEAR the Penguin
> /(w)\ http://www.snowcrest.net/glyph
>  ^ ^

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