On Wednesday 02 May 2001 14:23, you wrote:
> Hi,
> i have not been able to access users directories with
> apache 1.3.19 as configured in Mandrake 8.0, i.e.
> accessing : http://mymachine/~joe returns :
> Forbidden
> You don't have permission to access /~joe on this server.*

Exactly that is the reason. Try chmod o+rx /home/joe{/public_html}

Or you have to put apache in joe's group. I guess chmod g+rx is safer!

> Looking a commonhttpd.conf, i have :
> <IfModule mod_userdir.c>
>     UserDir public_html
> </IfModule>
> and in httpd.conf :
> LoadModule userdir_module     modules/mod_userdir.so
> ....
> AddModule mod_userdir.c
> and nothing related in /var/log/httpd/errors when i start apache.
> Working for anyone ?
> thanks.
> --
> Stéphane Genaud
>  IECS, Université Robert Schuman
>  61 av. de la Forêt Noire, 67085 Strasbourg
>  Bureau 107 tel : 0390414298

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