On Wed, May 02, 2001 at 08:03:17AM +0100, John Allen wrote:
> Why not try WindowMaker, it is afterall the official GNUStep Window Manager

Because Afterstep is my Window Manager of choice.  The pager support (or
lack there of) in WindowMaker pisses me off.  I have tried just about every
window manager out there, and Afterstep is the one that I like the best.

I moved to Mandrake a long time ago because they shipped both xemacs and
afterstep on the distribution, and they were set up well.  I need both of
these to do my job, so Mandrake meant that my average setup time on a fresh
computer was < 1hr, and didn't need a fast network connection to pull other

Who can I lobby to get Afterstep back on the Mandrake CDs?


Sean Dague

There is no silver bullet.  Plus, werewolves make better neighbors than
zombies, and they tend to keep the vampire population down.

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