Am Donnerstag,  3. Mai 2001 08:27 schrieben Sie:
> "W.Kasberg" wrote:
> > The installation of LM 8.0 was without any problem ( i did the install on
> > my office and on my home computer).
> >
> >
> > 2. CUPS and/or ghostscript
> > This problem is on bothe (home and office) computers:
> > If I print only a single page of a PS-file the page is printed correctly.
> > But if I try to print some more pages the output is "pare saving", all
> > pagges are printed on one sheet. This happend with all available
> > different printer, i.e. HP 2100M(Postscript), HP 890C, HP
> > 6MP(Postscript), HP Lj 1100 and HP 6P. Its anoying. I do not know wheter
> > those problems arise from CUPS or Ghostscript.
> I'm curious as I think I have had the same problem.  I did generate a
> bug but they could not reproduce it. At the time I was not sure what the
> cause was.  Actually, I thought that it was Lyx that messed up when I
> tried printing.  That was why bug 3002 was submitted.
> Later I noticed that if I printed a ps file without any kind of enbedded
> graphics it worked fine.  However, if I printed a file with enbedded
> graphics it printed fine up until the page with the image and then
> printed all the rest of the pages on the same sheet.
> Are you using a USB connection?

The problems are with all printer connections: parallel port, usb and 

W. Kasberg
> Time to go to bugzila and report it I think.
> Greg

!  Walter Kasberg  -  Lehrstuhl fuer Flugdynamik  -  RWTH Aachen
!  Tel. +49-241-80 6812           Fax +49-241-80 99529
!  e-mail   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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