On Wed, May 09, 2001 at 05:50:13PM +0200, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> Hello
> There's one thing that kinda annoys me about MandrakeUpdate.  I've chosen
> some packages to be installed, and click on install.  Now rpminst tells me,
> that some other packages need to be installed to fulfill all requirements.
> But it does not say WHY these packages need to be installed.
> What I'd expect to see there is something like: these packages need to be
> installed (list of packages).  Clicking on a package should really show
> which package that I've choosen to install requires another package to be
> installed.

also, MandrakeUpdate should report the priority for the packages.

A lot of upgrades are simply better implementations of the package, and
some of them are security fixes. Having something like an icon which
displays the effective need to upgrade can be useful. With a simple icon
check, it becomes very simple to keep the system up-to-date against
security flaws.

a small extract of the changelog for the package should be useful as


LILO: linux init=/usr/bin/BitchX


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