If I did not have this problem on every system I have
installed it on, I would agree. If it is hardware it
is fairly common hardware. I have had problems with
this on several desktop intel and amd systems and on
Asus F7400 and F7400-B Laptops.
--- Vox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> During the bombing raid on Mon, 14 May 2001 10:23:04
> -0700 (PDT), SI Reasoning
> was heard mumbling in fear:
> > I have had a horrible problem with keeping an
> accurate
> >  system time on my Mandrake systems. I have had
> this
> >  problem on both laptops and desktops through at
> least
> >  the 7.0 versions and continuing up through
> current
> >  8.1. My time will be off by minutes each hour
> (seems
> >  to lag in my laptop and rush on the desktop). I
> have
> >  worked around this by doing an ntpdate every
> hour...
> >  however with run-parts being down it just brought
> up
> >  this reminder.
>       Run an ntp daemon to keep your clock in check?
> That's what I do
> >  Is this a kernel problem or is this a mandrake
> >  problem? Anyone else out there having this issue?
>       I have no clue what's to blame for this for sure,
> but my gut feeling is
> on the HW.
>       Vox
> -- 
> Pain is the gift of the gods, and I'm the one they
> chose as their messenger....
> For info on safety in the BDSM lifestyle
> http://www.the-vox.com
> Think of the Linux community as a niche economy
> isolated by its beliefs.  Kind
> of like the Amish, except that our religion requires
> us to use _higher_
> technology than everyone else.             -- Donald B.
> Marti Jr.
> Vox populi, vox deii....

SI Reasoning
gnupg/pgp key id 035213BC

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