On Sat, 19 May 2001, Guillaume Rousse wrote:

> I can't use any 3D app (tuxracer, gltron, chromium) since i upgraded to
> latest NVidia drivers. Problems seems to come from SDL:
> [guillaume@agathe guillaume]$ gltron
> [..]
> Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)
> Has anyone else better results ?

Same here (On two systems with NVidia vidcards, GeForce2MX and
RivaTNT2-M64)! Quake 3 exits per Signal 11 (but starngely, not during
the GL init sequence), tuxracer, gltron, gears etc. just coredump. I
reverted to 0.9-769 and everything is fine again. A bit of a shame for
a 1.0 release if you ask me...

Almost pristine MDK8 on both machines...

Tomas Perez

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