On Sunday 20 May 2001 06:14 pm, Gary Lawrence Murphy wrote:
> >>>>> "a" == andre  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     a> Almost all softmodems are "supported" under linux. You just
>     a> have to run an old kernel so seeing if it is linux supported is
>     a> not sufficiant
> I'm sorry, but I have been using Linux since 0.99 and I have _never_
> found _any_ support for soft modems in Linux.  Can you substantiate
> this claim?

Of course there is support. Not for every soft modem, but for some like PCTel 
and Lucent. You should look at www. linmo ..... oops. I see below that you 
say . . .

> If there was support in any prior version of Linux, we wouldn't have
> linmodems.org desperately trying to reverse-engineer the beasts.  The
> Modem-HOWTO also concurs that software modems are not supported under
> Linux except for those drivers listed at linmodems.org.

So the driver support mentioned at linmodems.org is not " . . . _any_ support 
for soft modems in Linux."? That's odd. I don't understand your claim to have 
never found "_any_" support if you know about linmodems.org.

Given that there _is_ support, I would not take that as a ringing endorsement 
to rush out and buy a supported soft modem. These drivers are only useful if 
you have a modem you can't easily and cheaply replace (like a built-in modem 
in a laptop). Some people just don't have the money to buy a better modem and 
must use what they have; it's great that the Linux community is working 
toward support for this hardware (and WinPrinters, too) to support these 

You're not still using kernel version 0.99 are you? 8)


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