On Tue Jun 19, 2001 at 07:12:05PM +0100, Michael Brown wrote:

> > > Easy to resolve for those who know what they're doing.  Now, picture the
> > > newbie to Mandrake who got talked into it by one of us trying to figure out
> > > why their sound just won't work after they did exactly what they were taught
> > > and trusted only RPM's from Mandrake's update facilities.  Unless this
> > > problem is fixed by an official Mandrake RPM through the standard update
> > > facility, we have failed the new users of the Linux community and yet again
> > > shown it to be aimed at the technically elitist bunch.
> > Yes! I have been waiting for someone to raise that point. Now add to the
> > list, a fix for the Konqueror man page display, and us "new" ML8 users
> > will be back to the same level of functionality that came in the box.
> I see that kdelibs2.1.2 has been rebuilt, but *without* the two missing
> BuildRequires that I pointed out several times:
>      BuildRequires:  libbzip2_1-devel libtiff3-devel
> As a result, the new update (2.1.2-3mdk) is *still* missing the "man page
> display" functionality.
> How many more times should I report this bug?  :-(

Exactly when did you report the bug?  Is it possible the packages were
built prior to your reporting the bug?  Did you check the cooker

rpm -qip the kdelibs packages and see if it was built after you
reported it.

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