On Fri Jun 22, 2001 at 02:09:08AM +0100, Michael Brown wrote:

> > I don't see how this will help.  Security/bugfix updates are not
> > "open" packages or "public" packages until they are published.  In
> > many cases, non-public bugs (security) are being fixed... making this
> > available to cooker will cause us serious problems with other vendors.
> > If anyone is sincerely interested in helping to beta test updates that
> > make their way into rpmdrake, then please send me a note and we'll see
> > if you qualify for our small secteam.
> > Cooker is not updates, and vice versa.  I typically update cooker
> > *after* the updates for this same reason (non-disclosure until
> > vulnerabilities are public).  I'm sure you can appreciate this.
> Sure, but there's still the issue that triggered this thread: an update
> was built on Jun 4 but not released immediately (understandably), a new
> bug+fix was reported on Jun 10 (and several subsequent occasions) and
> received absolutely no response.  There was (AFAIK) no way for me or
> anyone else to know that anyone was doing anything about kdelibs2.1.2 -
> even a short message such as "kdelibs 2.1.2-3mdk has entered QA and will
> be in updates soon" with no other details would have helped because I
> would then have waited for the release of the new build to see if the
> issue had already been resolved.

Fair enough.  As I wasn't the one who built kdelibs, I didn't know if
the bug was valid or not for the version we were working on.  I also
don't have time to read cooker all of the time, so I got the reports
much later than they were posted.

I'll try to be a little more astute with my cooker reading and with
responding to things like this when I see them.

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