
I'm not much beyond a newbie, but if I tried a few simple ways to
delete  Linux, I'd then try something like this.  (Note, the intent of
this is to kill Windows and Linux and your data -- if you don't want to
do that, try something else.)

-Insert the Mandrake install disks and boot up to start an install

-Choose expert mode

-Proceed through the installation until I get to the partition set up

-Do some things to really mess up the existing partitions -- format
them, delete them, create some news ones with different names and
different sizes, format those, delete them, ("finish" this step so the
new partion table is written to disk), and quit the installation without

-Insert your Windows disk and start a Windows install.

-Then install Linux

In some of my early reinstallations of Linux (which weren't necessarily
Mandrake) I sometimes seemed to encounter something similar -- I'd do a
reinstall in an attempt to get rid of some problem and I'd find the same
problem after the reinstall.  I started switching partitions (and sizes)
around so that what was / last time would now be /home, etc.  This
seemed to avoid the problem.  (I suspected that a format was not a
complete wipe of a partition, but just a "quick format" or something,
which left much of the data intact.)  

Good luck,
Randy Kramer

PS: Aside:  I don't think cooker is quite the right list for a question
like this -- I think the newbie or expert lists would be more
appropriate.  (I started to send this, then stopped it to add this PS --
forgive me if it shows up twice.)  

Spencer wrote:
> I have installed Linux Mandrake, but now i got a
> bigger hd, and i thought that i could put in win 2000
> again i that drive where i had Linux before. I have tried
> to partion it, formating it, but the Linux boot allways returns and hangs up
> the computer for me. How in the
> h--l shall i get rid of the old installation of Linux.
> Is there a hidden part that i can´t see, or what.Please
> can someone help me before i go crazy.

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