Vincent Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> > If you're exiting through, you should enter data for this
> > site. Look at the first IP reported in the log, when you begin a trace
> > with whatever host.
> for whatever reason, AT&T has me as, however that's NOT my
> IP address - my IP is 24.251.91.something.  I put both of these in the 
> database, however, it still shows the globe through the zero meridian.

Click and drag on the globe, it will rotate.

> > >   The globe is displayed with what i'd guess to be the Greenwhich meridian
> > > centered.  Looking at the globe .tiff file, i know the rest of the world
> > > is in there.
> >
> > There are bugs in GL that better show up with xtraceroute, yep. :-(.
> > Sometimes it works, sometimes it breaks. Maybe if the author would like to
> > really fix it, he should try to look for a more reliably implemented way
> > of applying textures, but it seems that development of this software is
> > stalled.
> Thanks for your help!  Would it make sense for the missing directory to be
> added to the RPM? 

You want me to add '/home/gc/.xt/' to the RPM ? :-)

No, I should fix the binary. I'll try to do that when I have time, but it
will be low on my todo list.

Guillaume Cottenceau -

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