>>>>> "stefan" == Stefan van der Eijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


>> This is really a flaw in the GNU configure mechanism.  It would be nice
>> if autoconf's configure scripts allowed you to say:
>> % ./configure --definitely-use-libtiff
stefan> Then the developer would need to put that in the .spec file --> %configure

stefan> --definitely-use-libtiff

I think that Ed means that autoconf try to workaround when you don't
have libX to build without X functionality.  That is good except when
you want it to die if X don't exist, and there is nothing similar to:

%configure --strict

i.e. never do workarounds, if something fails (i.e. library don't
exist, whatever) give a error message and abort.

Note that the idea under autoconf was to make the system flexible, not
to manage dependencies.

Later, Juan.

In theory, practice and theory are the same, but in practice they 
are different -- Larry McVoy

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