>>>>> "david" == David Walluck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


david> Actually, it may be because I am tired, but I don't really understand
david> what you're saying. For me, I get "Input/Output error" from supermount
david> sometimes. Usually this goes away on its own if I wait long enough,
david> but since I can't remove supermount from the running kernel, sometimes
david> a reboot is the only thing that fixes it.

david> You talk about manually mounting but not manually unmounting? How can
david> this be? You can't do one without the other.

As a workaround waiting for a new version experiment with:
   supermount -i [enable|disable]

Thank chmouel for the utility, not me.

Later, Juan.

In theory, practice and theory are the same, but in practice they 
are different -- Larry McVoy

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