On Sat, 28 Jul 2001, Harry wrote:

> > I give back freely having never (as yet)
> (...)
> > received any monetary payment for my work. I do it out of kindness, and I hope
> > that one day you will understand that concept.
> (...)
> > But I have hope that someday you will be
> > able to contribute to the community in a valid way, rather than
> > insulting those who work for it.
> You know, considering you know absolutely nothing about what I do, I find
> your assumptions and insinuations for more troll-like than any of what you
> claim has allegedly assaulted your sensibilities. It's somehow not okay for
> others to launch imaginary personal attacks on you, yet it's okay for you to
> hurl them at other people? Double-standard, anyone?

Why do you e-mail me directly and not on the list? You are asking "anyone"
but the only one here is me :) I don't think so. I have worked on Cooker
for a very long time. If you have been working on Cooker then you must
have been keeping it a secret. Anyway, I was referring to Cooker
specifically, not your personal life, so don't take it so personally.

> Again, your insinuations that I have attacked you personally are entirely
> unfounded. I suggest you get your facts straight, and try to stay on topic.

I am confused now, but I was probably not referring to you. I was
referring to the person who called me "Mr. Anti-Microsoft" and other
things. If this was not your e-mail then I was not talking to you. If this
was you, then perhaps you should read the e-mail again as I remember there
been several personal attacks on me in the e-mail. But that's not all, as
this thread has gone on to upset even more developers than just me, but I
was the only one being called names.


David Walluck

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