> > What exactly do you mean?
> >
> > - it was not possible to mount /var?
> Yes, boot pricess gave ma an error message (don't remember any more)
> left me with a prompt.
> > Have you tried fsck it?
> After it was unwillint to mount it, yes.
> It repoted a lot of note cecking/fixing line (by the way it warned me
> several times that ReiserFsck is totaly unstable and might destroy
> everything before it was starting to check the partition ...).
> After that I was able to mount the partition again, but it was totally
> empty !!! :-(

There is an option "rebuild tree" (sorry, do not have access to Mandrake
just now, cannot check exactly). I guess you have not tried it?

I ask because I'm really interested in how to recover a broken ReiserFS.
So far, I could not find any real information, looks like reiser
developers assume it never goes wrong.

Any pointers are appreciated.

And of course, I can well understand your feeling about it ...


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