I have used ReiserFS for awhile myself and never had any problems with it. I
use it on my systems and clients systems with /boot being the only ext2


----- Original Message -----
From: "Vincent Danen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Cooker] ReiserFS killed my /var

This is really odd... I've been using reiserfs almost exclusively
since 7.2 on all my machines.  The only partition that I don't use it
for is /var because I run qmail on all my machines and there was an
issue with qmail and reiserfs in the past (no idea if it's fixed, but
/var being ext2 is a matter of habit now).

Anyways, I've had a number of power outtages despite having UPS's with
the systems all of a sudden going down.  I may have lost the odd file
occassionally, but certainly never an entire partition.  Considering
this is on about 5 machines all showing the same thing, I'm a little
hesitant to think it's reiserfs *alone*.  Maybe there is something
with the files on /var that causes this problem (again, maybe if I had
reiserfs /var partitions I would have experienced the same thing, I
don't know).

I do know that I have never lost more than a handful of files and I've
got many reiserfs partitions across various systems.

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