> You mean that nobody will correct this? I thought it was only a matter
> of changing a string (which is not translated btw)... Or even better,
> above the "change mode" stuff at the left, write "Use TAB to

Still, this requires somebody to do it. Aurora was not touched (I mean,
really touched) in at least half a year. 

> Anyway, I like Aurora's listing mode. Which bugs are you talking

1. Major - any program that tries to do something interactively at
startup at the best can't do it, at the worst startup hangs. Arguably,
rc script should not try to interact with users, still it is used in
some cases on other systems as well.

2. Semi-major - update trashes monitor symlink.

3. Semi-minor - incorrect display of non-ISO-8859-1 messages (judging by
my name and address I am affected :-)

4. Semi-minor - Microsoft wheel mouse still not supported. Reported in
January by me.

May be more. I switched Aurora off several months ago (after NLS


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