During the bombing raid on Mon, 20 Aug 2001 21:52:17 -0400, Blue Lizard was
heard mumbling in fear:

> Well I think the concept is rediculous.  A user's own client should set 
>  the word wrap to read at, as it is plain text.  For instance, I send a 

        Wrong....so wrong that it's even part of the email RFC (#2822, which
recently obsoleted 822), go read it up. 

>  288 char long line msg to myself.  I open it in my client, where it 
>  shows as four pretty even lines of 72 chars each.  Kinda like word wrap 
>  in a sane environment, which you obviously dont have.

        Nonono, your client has a nice feature that fixes broken messages (mine
does too), but that doesn't mean your sending without wordwrap isn't broken, it
just means clients that fix the error are counting on broken clients that can't
wordwrap the way they should.

>  This message typed w/ wordwrap.

        Which is The Right Way(tm).

        Vox, who hates broken mailers.
Pain is the gift of the gods, and I'm the one they chose as their messenger....
For info on safety in the BDSM lifestyle http://www.the-vox.com

Think of the Linux community as a niche economy isolated by its beliefs.  Kind
of like the Amish, except that our religion requires us to use _higher_
technology than everyone else.       -- Donald B. Marti Jr.

Vox populi, vox deii....

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