On Mon, Aug 20, 2001 at 09:52:17PM -0400, Blue Lizard wrote:
> Well I think the concept is rediculous.  A user's own client should set 
> the word wrap to read at, as it is plain text.  For instance, I send a 
> 288 char long line msg to myself.  I open it in my client, where it 
> shows as four pretty even lines of 72 chars each.  Kinda like word wrap 
> in a sane environment, which you obviously dont have.
> This message typed w/ wordwrap.

It's best to do word wrap on your end when sending, especially to lists.

Steve - Toronto ICQ 35454764
'If you're not a rebel when you're 20 you've got no heart; if     \ /
 you're not establishment when you're 30 you've got no brain.      X
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