Borsenkow Andrej wrote:
> It is unpacked in many places and you can install via ftp - but, for
> those having slow connection, how do you imagine ftp install? (Just a
> bit of math, how long do you need to transfer 150MB over 56Kb modem.
> Even if it 56Kb?)

Well, on my 33.6 kb modem, I would expect about 15 hours.  I can do an
iso in about 65 hours, about 10 MB per hour, which is OK (not nice, but
OK), if you can stop and restart the transmission.  (I used to do them
at night, until my ISP started cutting me off after 12 hours of connect

But, if you are doing an *install* via ftp (or NFS) can you stop and
restart the install, or must you start over after each interruption. 
Really a hypothetical question -- my best bet would be to download the
iso(s), burn the CD(s), and install from them, but I'm curious about how
an install over ftp or NFS might work.

Randy Kramer

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