Ian C. Sison wrote:
> Hello, does anyone care to fix this problem?

Dear Ian,

Keep praying that <someone> notices your message and it will perhaps be 
fixed. Warning : if you provide a fix yourself, it will go ignored : as 
you might have noticed, my thread called "Holy Minimal Install" scored 
almost 50 answers of useless discussions, and the ones about IEEE1394, 
with actual research on my side, with finally a fixed package, keeps 
being ignored for the last three days (and it's not over yet). That 
makes me mad, as all I want is someone to grab my RPM and put it into 
contrib. Would take 15 seconds max. I'm very sure that my bugfix won't 
break anything, I know that I did not put a "rm -rf /" in the spec file, 
etc. However, ignored.

Ooooh, MandrakeSoft people do a lot of work every day (changelog), but 
writing a bug fix takes time for contributors, who are usually not 
"professional hackers", and as such, their messages could at least be 
answered with a "it will be done when we have the time, thank you for 
your help in making LM better", instead of being ignored, seemingly or 
really ignored. This is frustrating and takes away the motivation like 
kryptonit with Superman. You never know if someone noticed, like when 
you write to a commercial company for requesting a Linux port : you feel 
bad. I remember that years ago, around Mandrake 6.0, I fixed a startup 
script so that dhcpcd could be used (nameless "pump" was the only 
choice). I had to write numerous messages to the list, first saying 
"Redhat's Pump does not work, please allow Dhcpcd", and later I fixed 
the script myself, and it goes ignored for many weeks, until Pixel 
finally corrected the bug... on his own. Anyway, I had to fight for 
that, with dozens of messages, even though the bugfix was three lines 
long... I understand that some things are more important than others, 
but when someone provides a fix just for you, please GO and GET IT.

Well, maybe read access to /incoming could help, as other contributors 
could say "that package is debugged, as far as I've tested it, you can 
safely put it in the contribs". That would make things more pleasant.


> IPTables still SEGFAULTS with a simple iptables config file!
> i've tried to use iptables-1.2.2-3.1mdk with the latest
> kernel-, with the file /etc/sysconfig/iptables:
> ==================================================
> -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
> -A FORWARD -i eth1 -j ACCEPT
> ==================================================
> and iptables-restore bombs out with a segfault..
> ~/srpm (#1028) cat /etc/sysconfig/iptables | iptables-restore
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> Ideas?

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