
> I use MPlayer as a way of playing pertty much all my multimedia with
> linux. On the MPlayer website and in it's configure routine, it claims
> that the gcc 2.96 that ships with Mandrake is broken (something about
> MMX being done incorrectly...?).

I am not aware of that specific problem (MMX), Red Hat either:

> It also claims that the 3.01 shipped with Mandrake cooker is broken as
> it was compiled with gcc 2.96.

Gcc is bootstrapped. Say we want to build gcc3 with the current
development tools (e.g. gcc-"2.96"):
- The system C compiler (currently "2.96") builds stage1 C compiler.
- Stage1 C compiler builds stage2 compiler(s).
- Stage2 compiler builds stage3 compiler(s).
- The stage3 compiler is then compared to stage2 compare and if they are
the same, that's good. Stage2 and stage3 compilers should identical.
- Finally, the stage3 compiler(s) are used to build the remaining libs
(libstdc++-v3, libjava, etc.).

In short, the resulting gcc3 was compiled with... gcc3.

The following document is not GCC-specific but you may find it

@misc{ and-buildtime,
  author = "Qiang Tu And",
  title = "The Build-Time Software Architecture View",
  url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/418824.html" }

--> See section 3.1


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