OK, this one is really weird.

open a console window, run gqcam.  Bombs because there is no /dev/video.
Go into /dev, and ls vid*, shows an entry video0
Create a link /dev/video --> /dev/video0
run gqcam again, and there's a picture!  that is, for about 30 seconds. 
  After that picture has funny colors, and console shows input/output 
errors from the camera... Close gqcam, type ls vid* again, and
there is NO video0 anymore, but now there's a video1 !!
Remove the link, create a new one video --> video1
run gqcam again - same thing!  good pic for about 30 sec, then I/O 
errors.  Close the program and look, and now /dev/video1 is gone!

Any ideas?


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