
If you run Cooker, and use NVidia's driver, then you may read the 
following. I have experienced a bug related to module NVdriver in 
Mandrake 8.0 and I would like to know whether this bug could still 
happen in Cooker or not.

*Abstract* : The problem is that I tried a game called "Cannon Smash" 
this afternoon, and it suddenly freezed my X server. Thanks to Guillaume 
(gc), I checked the log and found that in /etc/cron.d/kmod, there's a 
script that runs "rmmod -as" every 10 minutes. That command is here to 
unload all unused kernel modules if they have the attribute "autoclean" 
set (which is shown in "lsmod"). Unfortunately, when playing "Cannon 
Smash", X freezed on my machine after a few minutes of a fantastic match 
(cough). So, what I think has happened is that "rmmod -as" unloaded 
NVdriver module *even though* it was still being used. Which freezes X 

If you want to help me to know if this bug is reproduceable on other 
machines, please do the following steps:


1 - please reboot your PC (for safety)

2 - switch to runlevel 5 if not already

3 - check that /etc/cron.d/kmod contains the line:
*/10 * * * *    root    /sbin/rmmod -as

4 - launch Cannon Smash as a simple user, with defaults options

5 - play a few matches (you should use the *right* mouse button 
otherwise you will feel very bad). Then, one of the following will happen:

6a - suddenly X freezes (after a somewhat long period, many minutes), do 
not swear, and do the following : press "SysRq K", which should restart 
KDM (SysRq is "Alt PrintScreen" on my computer). If not, then try to do 
"SysRq S" which will sync your disk. Hopefully, a hard reboot won't 
screw up your partition (don't quote me on that).

6b - nothing happens, you can play the game for hours.

7 - In both situations, please send me a mail, that's interesting.

Thanks for your help.


PS : if you see the bug, comment out the line in "kmod" file and you 
should be safe from this freeze. Try it out and see, it works for me.

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