Ainsi parlait Joal Heagney :
> "Matthew D. Pitts" wrote:
> > Guys,
> > I was planning to start a total re-write of supermount ( when i have the
> > time ) and would like to know what type of features would be desired in
> > it. I will send a list of my plans for Supermount 2 when I get it
> > started.
> The major hassle that I tend to come across with supermount is that when
> I try to supermount an ide zip drive as vfat (because it mounts on the
> fourth partition, I believe) once I move onto the zip drive, even if I
> move off it, it won't let me eject the disk. On cdrom and floppy it's
> shweet. Individual control over which fdisk entry to enable|disable
> would be nice.
By default, supermount command only output a modified /etc/fstab. Just grab 
the line you want and edit the original file.
Guillaume Rousse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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