Borsenkow Andrej wrote:
> [no, I have no comments as I did not try updates. I just wanted to let
> you know what "average users" think]
> Will Mandrake soft ever create an infinetely updatabale release ?? It's
> becoming a nightmare worse then Microsoft.  The update installation
> doesn't
> really update anything, it just replaces all rpms, breaks some
> dependancies
> and leaves you with 100 hours of work to bring your system back to
> normal.
> Even Microsoft does OS updates better.  You can actually install win2k
> over
> 95 or 98 and not worry about anything, 99.9% it will all work just fine
> and
> keep all your settings, even in NT>>2000 upgrade.
> Dropping updates for all old releases rigth after the new release
> becomes
> available is sick.  It makes me want to switch to some other distro or
> OS.
> I wonder what kinf of updates system is FreeBSD using.
> I'm very happy with linux otherwise, I love the stability and openness
> and
> have been using it since RedHat 5.0.  The desktop applications still
> suck,
> but I'm sure they'll get there pretty soon.  Only if Opera didn't have
> those
> annoying banners :).

I saw this thread and made some comments there.  Hopefully, the all-too-common
practice of seeking help or "contributing" coincident with thinly-veiled threats
to take the whining to another distro is not all that representative of "average

This individual seems to be using numbers somewhat casually.  I cannot imagine
anyone spending 100 hours working to fine tune an update.  The impossibility of
updating from 7 -> 8 was reported very early on the Forum and I was convinced
not to try.  Amongst the 8.0 betas and, now, from beta3 to rc1, I have found the
update process to work smoothly and require no editing on my part.

It seems to me suspect that someone who has been using Linux since RH 5.0 has
not yet solved the mystery of the banners in Opera.  Some people prefer
complaining about problems to making modest efforts to solve them.  Consider
that to cater too much to this type of behavior is to invite its proliferation. 
One poster even complained that he would not pay for the software as he already
paid monthly for his isp!

I have been using the PC less than two years and I perceive that Mandrake are
making very strenuous and, largely, effective efforts to provide a commercial
product that, of its nature, changes daily.  Frequent updates are a natural
consequence and the reasonable consumer will appreciate that.  My first edition
was 7.1 Power Pack but I soon found download to be convenient and, as I do not
intend to take another's work without recompense, the secure donation channel
rounds out this method perfectly.

It disturbs me, also, to read about those so dissatisfied that they are about to
throw themselves off a bridge (or worse).  Perhaps only, a firmly-worded FAQ
about the product's dynamic qualities and the many options available to take
advantage of the rapid improvements would somewhat calm the vocal minority.

Good luck.

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