I guess I should have said something sooner - got busy and forgot.  8.1 
is a dream; everything works unbelieveably well!  I'm saving my pennies 
to buy prosuite as soon as it's available!  

I have one suggestion that I miss from 7.xx releases (hopefully will be 
included in future?)  During install when you're selecting partition 
sizes, you no longer have the ability to just type in the size you want 
or some kind of fine tune adjustment at least; there's only the one 
slider bar and it's not very sensitive.  For example; when choosing the 
size of my /boot partition, I could choose between 7M or 61M, but I 
couldn't seem to get anything in-between that.  I would have liked to 
set it at 15M for future possibilities, but as much as I worked with my 
mouse on that slider bar, I couldn't get it!

I know that's pretty small, but I've got to say, that's the only thing 
about the entire distro that I've found even slightly problematic... 
 Great job guys!!!

One other thing, could someone point me to a page that would list 
EVERYTHING that will be included in the prosuite pack?

tia, Mike

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