civileme wrote:

>On Sunday 30 September 2001 21:26, Mike & Tracy Holt wrote:
>>I guess I should have said something sooner - got busy and forgot.  8.1
>>is a dream; everything works unbelieveably well!  I'm saving my pennies
>>to buy prosuite as soon as it's available!
>>I have one suggestion that I miss from 7.xx releases (hopefully will be
>>included in future?)  During install when you're selecting partition
>>sizes, you no longer have the ability to just type in the size you want
>>or some kind of fine tune adjustment at least; there's only the one
>>slider bar and it's not very sensitive.  For example; when choosing the
>>size of my /boot partition, I could choose between 7M or 61M, but I
>>couldn't seem to get anything in-between that.  I would have liked to
>>set it at 15M for future possibilities, but as much as I worked with my
>>mouse on that slider bar, I couldn't get it!
>>I know that's pretty small, but I've got to say, that's the only thing
>>about the entire distro that I've found even slightly problematic...
>> Great job guys!!!
>>One other thing, could someone point me to a page that would list
>>EVERYTHING that will be included in the prosuite pack?
>>tia, Mike
>All the free software which we didn't prove had problems (yes some is on the 
>commercial CDs).  Quite a lot of business programs including multi-station 
>accounting with real invoices and general ledger and time billing and even a 
>web store which posts to the sales journal, most of the Software Offeed by 
>TheKompany, and various server-oriented products.  StarOffice now will 
>support S3 Savage, and you will see more new software than old.  CD9 has 
>wizards that set up servers with just a couple of questions each.
>If you are into programming, XBasic has joined the ranks, complete with 
>drag-n-drop to build graphical grids and instant translation to functions.  
>Superficially resembling Visual basic, and running on X and on Windows, it is 
>actually powerful enough that the compiler is written in itself.  It was one 
>of the packages that fell on a commercial CD though it is GPL with LGPL 
>libraries, but don't worry. We surrounded it with a wreath of garlic and 
>wolfsbane to keep away evil spirits.-)
>All the new games are on the free software, though.  Stay tuned for some 


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