> Yes -> it needs a few changes in the installer and we always found
> this feature was mostly useful as a "temporary" solution when you
> want to mirror the install (traditional hd.img usage) or burn CD's, so
> one was motivated to add the feature.

Every now and then I browse newsgroup that (IMHO) represents average
user base (under "average user" I mean user that needs Linux to do
something _with help_ of it, not to do something _with_ it).

You will be surprised how many such users try to download ISOs and
install from them. I guess, for most such users downloading traditional
mirror is frightening because they do not understand it. There are many
users who come from Windows and just want to try Linux. They understand
what ISO image is - they not always understand how to mirror unpacked
install tree (besides, download programs for Windows are not as good for
mirroring directory tree).

I assure you, this question came up over and over again (and before as
well). I find it strange that commercial company that tries to make
money on there product does not feel motivated to do what users
obviously expect.

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