Le Mardi 2 Octobre 2001 15:34, Mike & Tracy Holt scribit :
> >http://www.adequacy.org/?op=displaystory;sid=2001/9/30/83943/2736
> >
> >-andrej
> I just quickly skimmed through that story and I too think it's sad that
> people can make uninformed judgements about things they apparently know
> nothing about; maybe you could pursue this further and find out if it's
> a joke or if someone can be held accountable for their remarks?

The review is a joke. When you read the others articles you understand that ( 
interview of a taliban bigot in an IRC channel, etc ... ).
the pb comes from the comments ... Some seems to really believe what was written

L'avenir de l'homme, c'est la femme.  Aragon
Et l'homme n'est l'avenir de rien. Renaud

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