Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:

> David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> [...]
>>>>something to make it work. I don't think a newbie would have, well a smart
>>>>newbie would have.
>>>Actually I think, whe using the connection sharing from mandrake, you're
>>>not supposed to even know on which network your LAN is, the server is
>>>configured automatically, and the clients use DHCP. It's sort of a basic
>>>thing to share web and mail through provider, mostly, as I understand it.
>>I really wish it was so!! Drakenet can never get me connected to the
>>internet either, I always have to make my own ifcfg-eth0 to get me on the
> Strange, our tests seemed to work correctly. You maybe tweaked a few
> things, and draknet was confused about that...

I am reinstalling on both computers tonight. First the one without the 
internet connection, then the one with the 2 NIC's (networked to the 
first and the internet cable connection). I am not installing gnome or 
kde on the first, just Blackbox. Something is making it really slow 
(K6-III, 450Mhz, also not installing devfs), the second (athlon 1.3Gz 
Gigabyte GA-7DX MB) I will just not install devfs or Nautilus, issues). 
I will write down my exact install information. I have done this before, 
but never received any help on why it doesn't work. Since I am getting 
some help here I am ready and willing to help solve this.
BTW, I don't see any doc when starting the network install, so always 
choose dhcp-client instead of the other choices (choices are: dhcpcd, 
dhcpxd and dhcp-client) I think I tried dhcpcd and that didn't work 
either. Also the connection is to a cable modem and AT&T@Home.

> [...]
>>>>Then maybe documentation that the user will have to modify the addresses
>>>>in Masq and forward in the firewall scripts would do????
>>>No, not modify, see what I wrote upper.
>>I see and agree, that is the way it should work, but didn't. Since it
>>didn't work, I did some reading and found out what to change and that is
>>how I found out that it didn't work. Maybe if I had installed the firewall
>>'after' setting up connection sharing it might have worked, but it doesn't
>>after. Hey, maybe that might be it, doubt it, but I might reinstall and
>>try that.
> Yep, we need some bugreporting in "reproducible" conditions without too
> much "hand tweaking", I think... I agree that our tools should be robust
> enough to survive even when user made a few tweaks, but that's not always
> possible under all circumstancies, unfortunately...
I was reading a little bit at work today (oops) and saw on forum the issue with 

connection sharing and someone says they tried the firewall setup, 
before and after and it didn't make a diff. I will still try doing it after.

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