Ainsi parlait Chmouel Boudjnah :
> Guillaume Rousse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > [guillaume@silbermann guillaume]$ diff -Naur .ssh/authorized_keys
> > .ssh/
> >
> > [guillaume@silbermann guillaume]$ ssh localhost
> > guillaume@localhost's password:
> > Why doesn't ssh use keys login anymore ? I didn't change anything in my
> > configuration ??
> you need to swith to ssh v2 or use the -1 switch.
What do you mean by 'swith to ssh v2' ? Package version is 2.9.9p2, so it is 
already a v2 software. And -1 force to use v1 protocol, so it's quite 
contradictory ?
However, the -1 switch works :-)
Guillaume Rousse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPG key

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