On Thu Oct 04, 2001 at 06:19:07PM +0200, Guillaume Rousse wrote:

> [guillaume@silbermann guillaume]$ diff -Naur .ssh/authorized_keys 
> .ssh/identity.pub
> [guillaume@silbermann guillaume]$ ssh localhost
> guillaume@localhost's password:
> Why doesn't ssh use keys login anymore ? I didn't change anything in my 
> configuration ??

We default to Protocol 2,1 now, not 1,2.  So you can use:

ssh -1 localhost

to retain RSA1 (protocol1) compatability, or generate new RSA/DSA keys
for SSH2 (~/.ssh/id_dsa(.pub) and ~/.ssh/id_rsa(.pub)) and use
~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 to store authorized keys for protocol2.

[EMAIL PROTECTED], OpenPGP key available on www.keyserver.net
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 - Danen Consulting Services    www.danen.net, www.freezer-burn.org
 - MandrakeSoft, Inc. Security  www.linux-mandrake.com

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