
I have been looking at rh's new distribution, and there are a few things
that I find cucumbersome:

1       When I install a test Cooker, 1.9 GB, from a hd.img it takes about 30
min, a rh7.2, 1.7 GB, from my CDRW HP 9150 => 32, takes 11 min. I think
this is because rh has a better way of using my harddrive, an IBM 7200
rpm UDMA 100, but my mobo can only drive it at UDMA 66. I have used no
manual change of hdparm, for testing = from the installer.
2       I still think that Cooker is inferior when it is about resolutions for
XFree86, and I like the ability to manually add my 32 MB of videoram in
rh. In Cooker the default setting for my old PCI TNT2 card is 1280x1024
in 16 bits, when I change this to 24 bits it changes down to 1024x768 ->
I have to use 'show all' to get 1280x1024 in 24 bits.

If any of you at Mdk is going to test it, check out how they manage a
kernel upgrade, I used -ivh for the kernel and then -Fvh for the whole
directory of updates, i.e. including all kernel stuff, - and I ended up
by both kernels in grub. Seems to be foolproof to me.

I don't send this to be negative on Mdk, I like its atitude to try to be
at the very front.

Mandrake Linux 8.2 Cooker kernel-2.4.12-3mdk 200110221819

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