On Wed, 24 Oct 2001, Oden Eriksson wrote:

> On Wednesdayen den 24 October 2001 08.52, Borsenkow Andrej wrote:
> > > 1 When I install a test Cooker, 1.9 GB, from a hd.img it takes
> >
> > about
> >
> > > 30
> > > min, a rh7.2, 1.7 GB, from my CDRW HP 9150 => 32, takes 11 min. I
> >
> > think
> >
> > > this is because rh has a better way of using my harddrive, an IBM 7200
> > > rpm UDMA 100, but my mobo can only drive it at UDMA 66. I have used no
> > > manual change of hdparm, for testing = from the installer.
> >
> > The same partitioning and file system types?
> Try to compare rpm performance between RH and Mandrake, "time rpm -e
> the_common_rpm_package", and you'll probably find that RH:s rpm binary is
> "faster".
> I tried to "rpm -e sendmail" on an old RH5.2 and it took about 0,000001
> seconds, on ML8.1 it takes several seconds.
> This could be why you experience install time difference.

Could it be that your stock mandrake 8.1 has several handred more packages
than rh 5.2 ?  The bigger the RPM db, the slower it will get.

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