Dan Mack writes: 

> I never saw a reply to Oden Eriksson's email so I'll ask again.  Has the
> NUMA related hang problem been fixed in  the 2.4.12-4mdk kernel? 
> When I boot the -3mdk kernel in SMP mode (enterprise or not, it hangs
> immediately or shortly after booting on a dual processor Dell system.

Hi Dan, 

Mmmm, this list is very mysterious... 

Very often I'm thinking... hmmm, I wonder if the latest patch/change to my 
qmail server didn't work, or am I talking to myself... Or..., even worse. 
I'm beeing ignored!!! 

Juan, it would have been nice if you had mentioned this NUMA mess in the 
changelog too... 

Well, the answer to your question is that the 4mdksmp kernel works for me 
(Abit BP6, 2x400 cel). The NUMA stuff is left out this time, thanks again 


Kindest regards // Oden Eriksson
Deserve-IT Networks 

Powered by Kvikkjokk networks.

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