>>>>> "oden" == Oden Eriksson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

oden> Dan Mack writes:
>> I never saw a reply to Oden Eriksson's email so I'll ask again.  Has the
>> NUMA related hang problem been fixed in  the 2.4.12-4mdk kernel?
>> When I boot the -3mdk kernel in SMP mode (enterprise or not, it hangs
>> immediately or shortly after booting on a dual processor Dell system.

oden> Hi Dan, Mmmm, this list is very mysterious... Very often I'm
oden> thinking... hmmm, I wonder if the latest patch/change to my qmail
oden> server didn't work, or am I talking to myself... Or..., even
oden> worse. I'm beeing ignored!!! Juan, it would have been nice if you had
oden> mentioned this NUMA mess in the changelog too... Well, the answer to
oden> your question is that the 4mdksmp kernel works for me (Abit BP6, 2x400
oden> cel). The NUMA stuff is left out this time, thanks again Juan!

The entry talking about reorgamization of the .config did a lot of
things, between them, the NUMA stuff.  Sorry for being less explicit

Later, Juan.

In theory, practice and theory are the same, but in practice they 
are different -- Larry McVoy

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