The following does not of course qualify as bug report. I just want to
remind about problem I reported many times already. I am reluctant to
advice switch off devfs bevause the I have explain difference between
ALSA and OSS and why ALSA does not work etc etc 

When devfs is fixed?!


>From alt.os.linux.mandrake:

recently i started to boot my box and it comes with an error
pam_console_app has made an error (or something like that)
and then some register info... it keeps booting and it even gets
to runlevel 5 and i can log into X and all, but i want to fix it 
or at least understand whats causing it.

last i remember changing was the supermount script for the one in
initscripts.6.27-21 or whatever is the latest one i could get on 
rpmfind. i went to the original script but i doesnt fix the
pam_console_app problem.

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