On Thu, Oct 25, 2001 at 02:41:12PM -0500, Brad Felmey wrote:
> No, it's a valid feature for those who choose to structure their network
> printing to use it.

I would think.

> By turning on browsing by default, what happens is that every single PC
> using CUPS broadcast advertises on the network all the printers it has
> set up to use.

OK.  I don't see a problem.

> Every other PC picks up these broadcasts and adds them as
> available printers.

Oh no.  Now that *is* a problem.  The only machine that should
broadcast printer availabilty is the machine that owns it.

> If you're using direct printing (like my company
> does), this means you have each and every machine advertising "Ricoh 551
> 4th floor", "Optra S 3rd floor QA", and so forth ad infinitum.

Sounds like a wonderful feedback loop.  :-)

> Then,
> when you go to print something, and choose a printer, and you end up
> with a browse list of literally thousands of entries, even if you have
> much fewer printers than that, because each machine is presenting the
> available printers, which means you have the same ones over and over and
> over in the browse list.

I see.  This sounds like bad design.

Maybe somebody should give the CUPS folks a heads up about this issue.


Brian J. Murrell

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